
7.1 Ending options

The end of the league…or not!

Did you rank first and win ? Well done !  All bragging rights are yours, tease your mates as you should! If you ranked at the very bottom, it’s a shame, we’re sure circumstances are to blame, not your managing skills…

The league will remain accessible until the next game-week of the championship, then move on to the “Finished Leagues” section, so that you can always review the classification and the results.

 If the championship ended, or if you played in a Playoffs type league (and therefore the championship is necessarily over), you can either create another league in a championship that’s still going on, or wait until next year to play again…

If the championship did not end yet (and you’re playing in normal mode), three possibilities:

  • You carry on with your league…
  • You start over your league
  • Or you create a new one!

The choice will have to be made by the creator of the league (with everyone’s agreement it’s better), by going directly to the league, in the ranking tab (which will then become the home page of the league ).